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Bringing out the student’s best through personalized coaching, strategic advice, objectivity, positive motivation, and effective organization.

Admission By Design believes that the college planning and admissions process need not be exceedingly stressful and overwhelming.  With thoughtful support and guidance, it can be a manageable, fulfilling, self-defining, confidence-building journey.

Admission decisions are based on more than test scores, curriculum, and grades. Schools take a holistic approach to evaluate applications, considering activities, interests, and other factors.

Recognizing each student’s personal style, interests, and abilities, Admission By Design takes a similar holistic approach striving to match students with colleges, potential majors, and high school activities where they will be happy, challenged, motivated, and successful. Embracing this philosophy, Admission By Design strives to empower students to recognize, develop, and utilize their strengths and interests.  With a goal of personal development and self-betterment, Admission By Design counsels high school students to accumulate enriching life experiences that will make them “interesting” to admissions professionals.

During the college discovery process, students explore various schools to gain a sense of the type of environment in which they would thrive.  

Consistent with Admission By Design’s “right fit” philosophy, students are encouraged to discover and pursue passion projects and activities that they enjoy during their high school years while concurrently developing talents, confidence, skills, and meaningful experiences with college admission appeal.

Each student receives personalized attention in keeping with Admission By Design’s proven record of serving the best interests of each client.  

Admission By Design limits the number of comprehensive plan students accepted per graduating class to maintain the individualized attention each client deserves.

In keeping with its “more success with less stress” approach, Admission By Design uses its extensive curriculum and cloud-based college process management system to streamline the various tasks, keep students organized, and stay on track.